A flagging economy, lack of investor confidence and weak consumer demand go hand in hand with defense spending.
40 Uyghurs who had been held in Thailand for 10 years were deported to China last week.
China has dismissed concerns from the US, UN and others that the deported Uyghurs face torture.
Thailand said it allowed the men to go back voluntarily after China assured their safety.
Yalkun Isa was jailed for making calls abroad and ‘inciting terrorism,’ police say.
The US has condemned Thailand’s decision to send 40 Uyghurs to China.
US secretary of state issues ‘strongest’ condemnation after his request was ignored.
History suggests the 40 Uyghur men who spent a decade in limbo in Thailand will never be heard from again.
Beijing has expanded its subjugation though it insists that normality has returned to the region.
Rights groups said Uyghurs detained in Thailand were deported.